
Archive for the ‘Essay’ Category

Typical Public Classroom

On October 5, 2010, Department of Education shocks students, teachers, academe, workers, officials, laymen and, especially, the now-troubled parents when it announces to adopt a K+12 Education System. The news is flashed on every television networks and remains as a front page on national newspapers for several weeks. It has also been the most discussed topic on debates.
The K+12 will replace the current 10-year school cycle of primary education for 12 years. Under this program, a 4-year-old child goes for Kindergarten for 1 year, 6 years for Elementary, 4 years for Junior High School and 2 years for Senior high school before the admission for college.

The government says that a reform on education is “urgent and critical”. Assuming that the public statistics provided is all with God’s truth, Philippines, DepEd tells us, has been lagging behind on standardized test. On 2003 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, for instance, in Second Year High school we ranked 34th  out of 38 countries on Math, in Grade 4 we ranked 23th out of 25 countries and on 2008 results, we were not even worth mentioning – we came last. Not to mention the 2008 scores were from the science high schools, which is the most advanced high school in the country. This results are blamed to the current basic education, “designed to teach a 12-year curriculum, yet it is delivered in just 10 years” and concludes how low the quality of Philippine education is. Problems have also aroused when Filipino professionals, mostly engineers, were not accepted in international jobs reasoning that the 10-year curriculum is “insufficient”.

The additional two years of the curriculum is spent on mastering the previous lessons and the program also offers “areas of specialization or electives” in this period such as accounting, music, arts, agriculture, entrepreneurship, welding, electricity but mostly in technical and vocational skills. High school graduates then in this program, of the age between 17 and 18,  are fully matured to enter college and fully capable for employment, as psychologists claims. College graduates, in turn, will also be globally competitive for the said curriculum are practiced on most countries. However, despite the encouraging facts, people  still remain doubtful. (more…)

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Whenever I ride our car, I always stay in the center on the backseat to get a good view of the road. Regardless of time, whether day or night, I always get annoyed of inconsiderate drivers, people who show total ignorance in driving rules and manners.

They come in different forms. Most popular, and probably most hated, are the drivers who don’t lower their headlights despite of the attempt in flicking yours for the signal. The light blinds, almost instantly, our way, making our short trip to a longer one. Some motorcycle drivers tolerate the lack of a back light, as if inviting us to hit them head-on. Their silhouette blends on the shadows of the trees which makes them unrecognizable. One time, we nearly hit one. Bumper to bumper.

Several unlicensed or show-off drivers pratice in wrong time and in the wrong place, especially in the speeding highway. These drivers are most likely to get killed or merit a lifetime of physical impairment. Trust me. I’ve been there.

One Saturday, we planned on buying gifts for Christmas or something like that. My memory had worn off because of the traumatic event. Happily singing in the backseat of the car, I was teasing my brother for this girl he mentioned. Moments later, there was a noisy crash and I was taken aback against my seat. At the right-side window, there I saw three people flying, hands flailing, probably crying for help.

Car Crashed

This is not our car but it almost looked like this.

By the looks of our beaten front-right window, it turned out that we hit a motorcycle driver together with his wife and child. The husband tried to make a U-turn on a speeding highway. He had flashed a signal light but not long enough for my father to notice. At our rate, evading the vehicle is futile. The mother and their child underwent extreme pain but had survived – the father did not.

What was supposed to be a jolly and memorable trip became a mournful and dreadful memory. In addition, we dealt in the case – who did what, who pays how much – for months, consuming our monthly budget and making that miserable moment stay longer.

So if you happen to violate traffic rules, think twice if the benefits outweighs the risk. Or even if it’s worth it. Because seriously you are not only putting your life in jeopardy but also the other drivers who have studied and observed traffic regulation for their safety and anticipated a warm welcome from their family.

Trust me. I’ve been there.

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enchanted river people

People Swimming in the River

We arrived at noon full of crowded people, that made me realize it was a bad idea going there on weekends. There were many wooden tables accompanied by wooden chairs with parasol umbrella. But of course they were all filled. Even if we brought a table, there would be no place for it to stand. Most people were visitors. Some were in swimsuits and summer shorts. Others were happily eating with their lunch. Most were already swimming. Some, mostly boys, were just plainly staring at the women with swimsuits, . Despite the sea of people, probably excited in dipping themselves to the water, the plank wood sign is evident, saying Enchanted River.

Before we arrived, we traveled rough and dusty roads along the mountains for about four hours, leaving at dawn. The car was covered with dust, barely recognizable as a white Navara pick-up truck. But it was still better than experiencing rain, for it would turn the dust into mud – a more difficult medium to travel with.  Also, landslide is popular in our place, due to mining. (more…)

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In the Philippines, a country with 7,107 islands, we have more or less 130 languages. Only thirteen are well known. I happened to speak Cebuano, my dialect. It was widely spoken to our village and I grew with it. If there were a speaker of another dialect, I doubt if he is a commoner. He’s either having a vacation or just happens to pass by. Generally, I don’t need a dictionary to learn a word since the language had already worn out my ears but, now, I think I need one.

Sitting in a pew, last seat last row, I carefully listened to the priest’s sermon. It was about looking what we have done these past few days; I understood that. Then, it was now having a devotion to God; still, I understood that. After a while, the priest started using foreign words. I was utterly confused and what was more confusing was nobody felt the same way as I did.


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Image by cubemb via DeviantArt

My mother always calls me when she is in the front of computer. Her annoying and yet pleading voice kept me detached in everything I do. She asks question I’ve already answered and demonstrated, numerous times. It is always how to log-in on Facebook, how to upload a photo, how to find the address bar or, in worse cases, how to turn on the computer. She is persistent to learn but I was not persistent to teach.

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Today is Easter, as you all know. In the past few days, I have been at the church to attend a mass. I was not keen to go because I prefer sitting in my wooden chair and facing my computer head on. This is my 17th Easter and I know nothing about it.

I felt good whenever the mass is over but most of the time I feel sleepy during the mass. When somebody is speaking, I can’t really concentrate in listening. I have been told that it is effective to focus on the speaker’s face but not to me. My vision goes blurry and it hurts if I force it. I reckon this is due to my abuse.

I tried to shut my vision and just listen but after a while something kept cramming in my head. They came because part of me wants them. The idea of what will I do after this mass, what page am I in the book, what will I write. I’m guilty of thinking selfish things in times of mass. But mostly I’m guilty because I know it’s wrong and I kept doing it.


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Unlikely Allies

Allies are ideal. They are useful in many ways. They can ease your tasks and increase your self-worth. However, you may be better off choosing allies with the same interests as yours. People who have different concepts, work availability* and attitude are better off going solo.

If you have different interests, you will have different concept of ideas. One may prefer to spend weekend sitting on the couch, eating popcorn and watching movies. The other may prefer playing basketball and get his body all worked up. As you contemplate on choices, you might lead to an argument.


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Everyone has the intention to get fit. It’s hard to say which exercise can maximize the full benefits in a span of time. But it is never wrong to try out the old, popular way that proved to be worthwhile.  Jogging is a helpful exercise to enhance lifestyle. It offers many benefits and outweighs the risk.

Jogging can help you reduce the danger of having a heart attack and stroke. When you jog you’re allowing your blood to circulate progressively throughout the body. You also sweat and thus your body require more water. The large intake of water can help replenish the body. It cleanses both the arteries and veins.


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NBA: NOV 16 Pistons v Lakers

Anyone who knows me can claim that I’m not physically and mentally fit to play various sports. When I say I suck I am not being modest. However, my friends always called me whenever they had a game. I don’t know what they are up to. If they just want to increase my self-esteem or just want to see me ridiculously play. In any other intentions, I always end up submitting to their will. The games we played made me realized how I suck at sports.

I played basketball last year and it went bad. Whenever I got the ball I find myself trembling. I always passed it randomly. Whenever I hold the ball, it felt like a great responsibility like they expect me to shoot the ball or show some tricks. So I usually throw it away immediately to save myself from humiliation. One time when we were having a fast break, someone called out my name. Not knowing that was the signal for pass, I faced the voice’s direction and receiving the ball right on my forehead. I felt my head cracked open. Sometimes, I wanted to have a clear shot but the opportunity never seemed to present itself.

The other day, I and my father went to the park to play tennis. But when we arrived there are already others playing. So we can’t play together. I think I have already said Sorry for the hundredth time already. The tennis ball always hit the net. I knew my opponent was not having fun and neither do I. The same goes for Ping-Pong. I can barely catch tennis ball let alone the Ping-Pong ones. I once got hit by a paddle. It nearly broke the bridge of my nose. I had to cover it with a cloth due to its excessive bleeding.


These days our country is getting interested in soccer. Almost all students in our town know how to play soccer even my little brother. I am glad it didn’t happen in my time. I surely don’t want to break my leg. When I was a child, I encouraged my classmates to play soccer. I actually enjoyed it until we had to stop because my classmate was hit directly unto his face. Well of course, they  put the blame on me.

When Manny Pacquiao’s glorious moments were rising, my dark days were looming. All towns took pride over his victories and ours was no different. We had daily sparring. My father encouraged me to fight. I had already received several blows before I gave my first. The match only ended because of the weather. Even though I hated rain because of the sickness it caused me, I started to like it.

I don’t know if I’ll ever enjoy sports. I tried finding my old friends but they are all busy. Even if I tried to join games, I doubted if anyone would admit me. There are now new generations that are playing. Besides who would like to play with a guy like me, I’m skinny, short and easily distracted. It will be a total disadvantage to their part.

But playing sports seems fun. I mean almost all people indulge in it. Almost all males are engage to sports. I am determined to sulk, but the truth is, I want to be part of the game.


Please let me improve my writing. Comment to my grammar and composition.

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